Monica Plechero |
- Work -
for the full publication list before 2017 please see my CV |
Bellandi, M., Plechero, M. and Santini, E, forthcoming, Forms of place leadership in local productive systems: from endogenous rerouting to deliberate resistance to change. Regional Studies.
Bellandi, M., Plechero, M. and Santini, E, 2021, The Supporting and Hampering Role of Place Leadership in Italian Industrial Districts. Handbook on City and Regional Leadership, edited by Sotarauta, M. and Beer, A (eds.). Edward Elgard Publishing.
Plechero M., Kulkarni M., Chaminade C., and Parthasarathy B., 2020. Explaining the past, predicting the future: the influence of regional trajectories on innovation networks of new industries in emerging economies. Industry and Innovation. Online first.
Bellandi, M., Chaminade, C., Plechero, M., 2020. Transformative paths, multi-scalarity of knowledge bases and Industry 4.0. In De Propris, L. & Bailey, D. (eds.). Industry 4.0 and Regional Transformations. London: Routledge,
Forrer, V., Plechero, M., Rossi, A., Santin, E., 2020. Top-down and bottom-up legitimization of emerging industries. Evidence from two Italian Mechatronics clusters, DEM Working Papers, vol, n° 14.
Corò, G., Plechero, M., Rullani, F. and Volpe, M, 2020. The Evolution of Technological Space and Firms' Workforce Composition in a Manufacturing Region. University Ca' Foscari of Venice, Dept. of Economics Research Paper Series No. 12/WP/2020.
Chaminade, C., Bellandi, M. Plechero, M. and Santini E., 2019. Understanding processes of path renewal and creation in thick specialized regional innovation systems. Evidence from two textile districts in Italy and Sweden. European Planning Studies. 27 (10), 1978-1994.
Plechero, M, Rullani, E., 2019. Beyond Local: The Role of National Innovation Networks Within the 4th IR. SYMPHONYA Emerging Issues in Management (2), 60-71.
Lin, J., Plechero, M. 2019. Global innovation networks for Chinese high tech small and medium enterprises: the supportive role of highly skilled migrants and returnees. Int. J. Technological Learning, Innovation and Development, 11(2), 140-154.
Zukauskaite, E., Trippl, M. and Plechero, M., 2017. Institutional Thickness Revisited. Economic Geography, 93 (4), pp. 325-345.
Cozza, C. and Plechero M., 2017. The concentration of Health research and innovation across EU regions, Argomenti, 8, 107-120
Corò, G., Plechero, M. Volpe, M., 2020. Il ruolo degli investimenti in tecnologie digitali sulla capacità di risposta all'emergenza Covid-19: un'indagine sulle imprese manifatturiere del Veneto. Economia e Società Regionale, 38 (2), 119-134.
Corò, G., Plechero, M. Volpe, M., 2020. Impresa 4.0: Fattori abilitanti ed effetti sulle PMI dell'adozione delle tecnologie di Industria 4.0 . L'Industria. Rivista di Economia e Politica Industriale, 2, pp. 215-237. Doi: 10.1430/97563
Plechero, M., 2018. Fuori dalla crisi: la capacità competitiva delle imprese del distretto della meccatronica vicentina. Sinergie, 36 (107), 139-157.